
A history of East-the-Water

This history comes in several, roughly chronological, parts:

Fossil tree stump showing roots in blue clay Part 1: Fossil forests, fish and salt
View of stone bridge with multiple arches Part 2: New bridge and new lands
Sir Richard and Sir Bevill Grenville Stained Glass Part 3: Looking west
Chudleigh Fort Part 4: War, plague and smoke
Wite-washed cottage beside the road Part 5: Maps and turnpikes
Sign on gate post saying Chapel Park Part 6: Napoleon and black
Level crossing and white rendered cottages Part 7: White and Westward
Group of railway carriages and a platform Part 8: Shamwickshire and Tarka
Memorial with several wreaths Part 9: World War II and beyond

Part 10 contains:

  • a detailed look at the changing face of the eastern shore of the Torridge over time
  • a re-assessment of the background detail of John Strange's portrait
  • a bibliography
Book cover showing view of the wharves and title For those wanting to know more, then the Way of the Wharves charity have now published A History of East-the-Water Bideford.

The following are attempted correlations of the census records, to try and identify how the area's streets were changing, and where families lived: